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Version: testnet (v0.71)


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

scalar ID

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AccountDetails object ● AccountFilter input ● accounts subscription ● AccountUpdate object ● AggregatedBalance object ● AggregatedLedgerEntry object ● Asset object ● asset query ● assetsConnection query ● AuctionEvent object ● BusEvent object ● busEvents subscription ● candles subscription ● Data object ● DataSourceSpec object ● Deposit object ● deposit query ● DispatchStrategy object ● Epoch object ● epoch query ● EpochRewardSummary object ● erc20ListAssetBundle query ● erc20MultiSigSignerAddedBundles query ● erc20MultiSigSignerRemovedBundles query ● erc20SetAssetLimitsBundle query ● erc20WithdrawalApproval query ● estimateFees query ● estimateOrder query ● estimatePosition query ● EthereumEvent object ● EthereumKeyRotation object ● ethereumKeyRotations query ● getMarketDataHistoryConnectionByID query ● Instrument object ● KeyRotation object ● keyRotationsConnection query ● LiquidityProvision object ● liquidityProvisions subscription ● LiquidityProvisionUpdate object ● LossSocialization object ● MarginLevelsUpdate object ● margins subscription ● Market object ● market query ● MarketDepthTrade object ● MarketEvent object ● marketsConnection query ● marketsData subscription ● marketsDepth subscription ● marketsDepthUpdate subscription ● MarketTick object ● Node object ● node query ● NodeBasic object ● NodeSignature object ● nodeSignaturesConnection query ● ObservableLiquidityProviderFeeShare object ● ObservableMarketData object ● ObservableMarketDepth object ● ObservableMarketDepthUpdate object ● oracleDataBySpecConnection query ● oracleSpec query ● Order object ● orderByID query ● OrderByMarketAndPartyIdsFilter input ● OrderByMarketIdsFilter input ● OrderByPartyIdsFilter input ● OrderUpdate object ● orderVersionsConnection query ● partiesConnection query ● Party object ● party query ● PositionResolution object ● positions subscription ● PositionsFilter input ● PositionUpdate object ● Proposal object ● proposal query ● ProposalDetail object ● proposals subscription ● ProposalVote object ● Reward object ● RewardSummaryFilter input ● SettleDistressed object ● SettlePosition object ● StakeLinking object ● Statistics object ● Trade object ● trades subscription ● TradesFilter input ● TradesSubscriptionFilter input ● TradeUpdate object ● Transfer object ● transfersConnection query ● UpdateAsset object ● UpdateMarket object ● Vote object ● votes subscription ● Withdrawal object ● withdrawal query